curator and writer
The Rocks 27 Nov - 19 Dec 2014

Contemporary's Contemporaries, is a celebration of the immense, and varied talent of almost fifty artists hidden behind the walls of the Museum of Contemporary Art. This multifaceted exhibition connects staff members at the Museum, many of whom are leading and emerging artists in their own right. Located at the doorstep of this iconic Institution, this exhibition examines the influence of their profession onto their own art practice.
Inspired by the affinities and contrasts in artistic relationships, landscapes, memory and time, Contemporary's Contemporaries, explores the dynamic and versatile nature of contemporary through a wide range of conceptual and material practices. The combination of painting, drawing, film, installation, performance and multi-media works underscores the interdisciplinary nature of Contemporary's Contemporaries. The common thread linking all of these artists is their place of work, however, certain themes have revealed themselves across many artistic practises. These include consumption, landscape, memory, mark making, transformation and time.
Located at the doorstep of the MCA, Contemporary's Contemporaries featured the works of 50 artists that explore the dynamic and versatile nature of contemporary through a wide range of conceptual and material practices. This show also engaged with the community through public programs in association with The Rocks Village Bazaar on Friday evenings. These included artists talks, forums, workshops and performances.

Interview and review in BROADSHEET SYDNEY